Monday, March 02, 2009

Sleep, the lack there of.

So my life's been pretty dull except for the endless chaos that I call school... I haven't been getting much sleep to the point that my immune system couldn't even fight off the common cold... Leaving me annoyingly congested and runny for the first THREE days of sunny florida.

It was hard not to kiss J.B. Boy is that kid a stunner but I thankfully improved with 2 litres of oj, sinex with vicks and a half bottle advil cold and sinus.

I spent two days at the palace relishing in auntie Cs amazing hospitality... There really is nothing more beautiful than that house. 6 jets in one shower is truly undescribable! Plus a mini chocolate on my pillow - might as well have been a hotel.

Grandma finally warmed out, that camera I helped her pick out in january has gotten over 250 pictures of use - who wouldve guessed?

Schools a bitch and I'm hanging on by a thread...I hope I can hang in there long enough to boost my grades to secure my spot in honors... 15/2100 slim odds but I might as well at least try...

Farewell for now but not forever - this is a mini update on mylife... And not the f*** type.
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